Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the learning revolution

This year has been a whirlwind.  I quit my job in February to start my Grad Dip Ed at Griffith in Primary Teaching and low and behold I'm now coming up to my final 6 weeks...in fact my last practicum starts in just a few days.  It's been a steep learning curve with plenty more to come but I love the challenge.  It's scary but exciting at the same time to be jumping out of my comfort zone and being responsible for other people's learning.

I've discovered some amazing educators out there who blow me away with their insights and encourage me to do my best and just keep learning and getting involved in the conversation.  SO this is my first step.

Sir Ken Robinson is one of those educators.  He has quite a way with words.

Bring on the learning revolution!: Sir Ken Robinson on TED.com